Parenting on Purpose

It was May 28, 1998. The sun was shining, the sky was blue and I was a hot mess in the middle of the parking lot.

It had taken me 7 agonizing minutes to get my toddler and my newborn out of car seats and into an umbrella stroller and a front-facing carrier.

When my infant son, Ben's, arms slipped out of the carrier and his head almost hit the pavement, I knew one thing for certain...

I didn't have what it took

I had spent the last two and a half year's since Sofia's birth, crying, losing it, completely adrift and now there were TWO of them!

I needed something more than what was available in the parenting books of the time. I needed to know how to become the kind of parent who could face the chaos of parenting with calm.

That's the day I began PARENTING on PURPOSE

I spent the next few years, focusing on myself while learning parenting skills. What I found was that when I gave to myself, I had more to give to them.

I'm Dr. Luz and I can't wait to walk with you on your journey to Parenting on Purpose.


Dr. Luz Casquejo Johnston is an international speaker and author. With over 20 years of experience in the field of education as a teacher, principal and professor, Dr. Luz's IMPERFECT framework is time and audience tested.

She has been married for over 3 decades. She and her husband count their greatest accomplishment as raising two grown-ass adult children who are just a text away.

Our FUTURE VISION has become a Reality:

Family trip with our Grown-Ass Adult Children

(January 2024)

Speaker Topics

Find Your INNER Parenting Manual

We've all been there. Something happens and we react. Despite our best efforts, we fall into old patterns. Why can't we get it right? Why don't we know what to do? We all wish that children came with a Manual.

Here's the truth and the secret. They don't have one...YOU do. You already have the inner wisdom based on the lessons you've learned. You've just got to trust yourself.

In this talk, the parents in your community will:

  • Design the Future Vision for their family

  • Find out who they need to be to reach that future vision

  • Gather the lessons and the tools that they've gathered on their life's journey

Ready to share this experience with your community?

The IMPERFECT Way to Parent

Social Media keeps us connected...and distracted. With an endless stream of IG and FB curated moments, it's easy to fall into feeling that you aren't enough and that everyone else has it figured out but you.

I'm Dr. Luz and I'm here to cure you of comparison-itis. I'm also a recovering perfectionist. I know that the only way to be free of the guilt and shame that comparing ourselves creates, is to accept know that we are whole and complete.

In this talk, the parents in your community will:

  • Be introduced to the IMPERFECT framework for parenting

  • Begin the process of healing from comparison-itis

  • Let go of perfection and embrace their greatness

Are you ready to give this opportunity to your community? Book a call below.

The IMPERFECT Way to Do Anything

How you do one thing is how you do everything. This talk is customized to your group. The IMPERFECT Framework can be applied to any industry.

People who accept themselves are happier. Happier people add to their community with their positive energy, ability to see possibilities and their willingness to take risks and innovate.

This leads to the overall happiness of any organization.

In this talk, the people in your community will:

  • Be introduced to the IMPERFECT framework

  • Begin the process of healing from comparison-itis

  • Let go of perfection